上海鲁能JW 万豪侯爵酒店 Shanghai JW Marr

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上海鲁能JW 万豪侯爵酒店 Shanghai JW Marr
Located in the south of Pudong’s Lujiazui Financial District, the five-star JW Marriott Marquis hotel and conference center is the first of its kind in China. The design responds to the hotel’s vision for a unique destination, leveraging waterfront resources of the Huangpu River to create an inspiring
guest experience.
The 39-story building harmonizes with the environment. The placement of the hotel tower, arrival and signature places crystallizes the smart synthesis of all elements surrounding the site. The reception area and other public amenities surround a dramatic central atrium, which serves as the nexus of the guest experience, as well as the major organizing element for the exterior surroundings. The soaring atrium and hospitable entry plaza become an urban living room that establish a memorable  transition between the street and the city’s public park and riverfront promenade.
The folded curtain wall profile creates a unique and novel exterior expression that lends the entire building a distinctive character. The podium, clad in brushed anodized aluminum panels that are subtly varied, uses a similar language of folded and tapered surfaces that gradually densify as they travel down to the ground, lending a human scale to the base of the building.上海鲁能JW万豪侯爵酒店中国上海
Shanghai JW Marriott Marquis Hotel  Shanghai, China 业主:鲁能地产
规模:119,600 平方米
摄影:Dave Burk,Rick Lew江门上下川岛自驾游攻略
SOM 工作范围:  建筑设计,机电+结构工程
水上游乐设施竣工年份: 2019年位于浦东陆家嘴南侧的五星级JW万豪侯爵酒店和会议中心是中国的第一个同类品牌。设计响应酒店成为一个独特目的地的愿景,充分利用黄浦江滨河资源而创造富有启发的宾客体验。这座39层高的建筑与周围环境相协调。塔楼、落客与标志场所的布局是巧妙综合场地各种因素的结晶。接待区和其他公共设施环绕着引人注目的中央中庭,使之成为宾客体验的纽带以及外部环境的主要组织元素。飙升的中庭及宾至如归的落客广场成为城市起居室,在城市街道和都市公园及滨河漫步大道之间形成了令人难以忘怀的过度空间。外墙材料选择采用了低反射玻璃和亚光刷纹阳极化铝板幕墙系统,裙楼使用和塔楼相似的设计语言,以刷纹阳极化铝板折叠和渐收的方式越往下越密集,在建筑基座赋予行人和访客更为宜人的尺度,最后墙体材料转换为石材接地,虽然材料渐变,但建筑的
实时查航班动态语言是延续的。Client: Luneng Real Estate Group Size: 119,600 sqm Photography: Dave Burk, Rick Lew SOM Services: Architecture, MEP and Structural Engineering
Year of Completion: 2019

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